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Truck accidents come with a host of regulations and corporate interests that typical car crashes don’t have. Because of their commercial function in society and the risks they pose to others, trucks are subject to regulations beyond those that apply to personal vehicles. Some truck regulations are federal and apply nationwide. While other rules vary from state to state and thus depend on the exact location of the semi-truck accident. This makes for a complex legal situation in the event of an accident with a personal injury – one that requires an expert truck accident attorney to navigate successfully. The trucking industry is as complicated as the American legal system. It consists of many moving parts and interested parties: a large distribution chain that includes drivers, employers, cargo loaders, maintenance crews, and parts manufacturers. Each link of the chain has an important role to play in the transportation of the goods across the county. And they each play an important role in the overall safety of the industry’s operations on a day to day basis. When part of the chain transport is compromised, liable parties can be held responsible for damages. In some cases, multiple parties are liable for a semi-truck accident. When trucking companies are potentially liable, they hire powerful teams of attorneys to defend their financial interests. The multiple insurers involved can act just as aggressively to conserve their corporations money. It’s common to have multiple insurance companies negotiating settlements after an accident involving a large semi-truck. Unfortunately, without an experienced trucking and transport accident attorney on your side, victims could miss out on multiple important sources of compensation. Luckily, an attorney with the necessary industry knowledge, like ours at The 813 Injury Law Team, will know how to investigate your accident, prove the at-fault parties are liable, and demand a comprehensive financial settlement for your injuries. Call now for a free case consultation on your semi-truck accident. Phone: 877-813-(4878).

[/fusion_content_box][fusion_content_box title=”Choosing the Right Attorney for Your Case” backgroundcolor=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” icon=”fa-indent fas” iconflip=”” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” iconcolor=”” circlecolor=”” circlebordersize=”” circlebordercolor=”” outercirclebordersize=”” outercirclebordercolor=”” image=”” image_id=”” image_max_width=”” link=”” linktext=”Read More” link_target=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]At one point or another, many people find themselves in a situation where they’re in need of the services of a good personal injury lawyer. Whether it’s handling a car accident, motorcycle accident, or wrongful death case, there are a vast number of situations where the experience and expertise of a good personal injury lawyer will be necessary to protect your rights and get you the best settlement possible. At The Novak Law Team we are committed to the aggressive representation of our clients rights even if that means taking a case to trial.[/fusion_content_box][fusion_content_box title=”Disclaimer” backgroundcolor=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” icon=”fa-indent fas” iconflip=”” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” iconcolor=”” circlecolor=”” circlebordersize=”” circlebordercolor=”” outercirclebordersize=”” outercirclebordercolor=”” image=”” image_id=”” image_max_width=”” link=”” linktext=”Read More” link_target=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisement or a webpage. Before deciding whether to hire our firm, ask our office to provide you information about our qualifications and experience. Please be advised that no communication resulting from your use of this website will create an attorney-client relationship. To create an attorney-client relationship you will need to sign a separate written agreement with our firm. This site is owned by The Robinson Law Group and is used to advertise in different area codes and counties across the State of Florida where we are licensed to practice law. Our main office is located in St. Petersburg, Florida. Call toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a FREE CONSULTATION at 1 (813) 465-8795[/fusion_content_box][/fusion_content_boxes][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][fusion_global id=”5313″]